- LanguageKorean
- Authors Soojin Kwon, Seonghoon Park, Yongmyeong Keum, Kwanghyun Ra, Hwang Heo
- Date December 31, 2023
- Hit201
1. Supporting the Reintegration of Released Prisoners in Korea
In Korea, more than 50,000 convicts are released from correctional facilities each year and reintegrate into society, except during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, in the past decade, there has been an increase in the number of convicts who struggle to resettle in society after their release from correctional facilities.
Within the correctional facilities, various programs are carried out based on relevant laws such as the Act on Execution of Sentences and Treatment of Inmates. These programs include education and rehabilitation, work and vocational training, social treatment, community service, and social excursions. The goal of these programs is to promote a healthy reintegration into society, successful adaptation, and the prevention of recidivism.
In society, the Ministry of Justice's Crime Prevention Policy Bureau, Social Protection Policy Division operates under the Act on Probation to provide support for the rehabilitation of released prisoners. This division collaborates with the Korea Rehabilitation Agency and other private institutions to facilitate the social reintegration of the released prisoners. Support programs include accommodation services, emergency assistance, family support services, and employment support services.
2. Policy Implications:
Preparing for the Return to Society
Pre-release education should be conducted earlier and with enhanced content to better prepare convicts for their return to society. Additionally, a support system should be established at the early stages of the correctional process, rather than just when release is imminent.
Expanding Social Treatment
Isolation during confinement hinders the rehabilitation and reintegration of offenders. Long-term convicts require more opportunities and time to rebuild family relationships and reintegrate into society. Therefore, expanding social treatment and halfway houses is desirable to increase their contact with society and help them adjust after their release.
Establishing an Intermediate Sanctions
Returning to society after a long period in correctional facilities can be challenging. It is necessary to provide inmates with a social environment, such as an office, during their working period in correctional facilities. Private prisons can also be considered for operating this buffer zone.
Reorganization of Laws
To better support the social resettlement of ex-convicts, it is necessary to reexamine existing laws and the probation system. Establishing separate legal basis for supporting ex-convicts will ensure the professionalism of support services, uate and improve programs, and establish public-private cooperation for legal aid welfare.
Establishing a Cooperative System
To prevent recidivism effectively, a cooperative system among relevant agencies, including correctional headquarters, the Ministry of Justice, the Korea rehabilitation agency, and various government bodies, needs to be established.
Securing Professional Manpower
Correctional officers primarily focus on managing convicts within facilities, limiting their ability to support convicts after release. To ensure effective support, specialized personnel in areas like legal advice, economic guidance, medical advice, lifestyle guidance, and psychological counseling should be secured.
Securing Private Resources
Government support alone is limited, so integrating public correctional resources with private resources can increase support for convicted individuals in need. Encouraging companies to hire released convicts by providing incentives and extending national guarantees and insurance for those who demonstrated exemplary behavior during incarceration is essential.
- 23-B-17 출소자의 성공적인 사회정착 지원방안 연구(I).pdf (2.99MB / Download:47) Download