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ABOUT US image




The Korean Institute of Criminology and Justice (KICJ) was founded in 1989 as the only national crime and criminal justice research institute in Korea and presently operates under the Office of the Prime Minister, as a member of the Korean Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences.

KICJ conducts proactive interdisciplinary research to formulate and implement evidence-based policies for improved national crime prevention and criminal justice system. Researchers and staff collaborate in liaison with governmental and non-governmental institutes and agencies, as well as international organizations in order to investigate research issues and problems in the field of criminology and criminal justice, including police, prosecution, community treatment programs (electronic monitoring), cybercrime, juvenile delinquency, corruption, TOC, human trafficking, prisoner rehabilitation, and crime victimization.

Korean INstitute of Criminology-image
KICJ also prioritizes active involvement with the international community for legal assistance and cooperation through diverse joint projects and conferences. As a member of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme Network Institutes (UNPNI) and close partner of many international organizations and universities abroad, the KICJ carries out research projects and holds numerous international academic conferences, seminars and workshops in cooperation with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and world-renowned organizations.


The Korean Institute of Criminology and Justice conducts research on human-oriented criminal justice policies.

Vision & Goals.-image Vision & Goals. National Research Think-tank for Criminal Justice Reform

Policy Research for Criminal Justice Reform

  • I-1.

    Research on Criminal Justice Reform

  • I-2.

    Innovative Measures of Criminal Sanction and Correctional Treatment


Policy Research for Realizing a Fair, Just and Safe Society

  • II-1.

    Research on Criminal Justice Policy to Protect Vulnerable Populations and Improve Human Rights

  • II-2.

    Research on Alternative Policy to Eradicate Corruption and Unfair Practices

  • II-3.

    Research on Prevention-focused Criminal Justice Policy to Build a Safe Society


Evidence-based and Cooperative Research for Effective Alternative Policy

  • III-1.

    Evidence-based Research on Crime and Criminal Justice

  • III-2.

    Building an Information Management and Sharing System

  • III-3.

    Strengthening a Cooperative Research System to Address Complex Policy Challenges


Networks of Social and International Engagement

  • IV-1.

    Improving Distribution Systems for Customized Research Products

  • IV-2.

    Strengthening International Cooperation and Distribution of Research Products


Building Trust and Better Communication

  • V-1.

    Empowering Members and Strengthening Job Competencies

  • V-2.

    Managing under Democratic Principles

  • V-3.

    Promoting Transparency and Accountability as a Public Organization

Objectives.-image Objectives.

To Contribute to Crime Prevention and Establish National
Criminal Justice Policies based on Scientific Research on
Crime and Criminal Vision Justice

Key Functions.-image Key Functions.

Key Functions list-image

  • 01
    Conducting research on and analyzing the crime trends and causes with corresponding measures
    Conducting comprehensive research on criminal justice and relevant laws and legislations
    Conducting joint research on criminal justice with related domestic and overseas institutes
  • 02
    Consigning research to domestic and overseas research institutes and experts
    Receiving an offer to commence research from the government, local and foreign public agencies or private organizations
    Raising public awareness on crime and providing relevant information
  • 03
    Promoting international exchanges and collaboration to prevent crime
    Conducting research on North Korea’s crime with its criminal legislation and criminal justice in preparation for unification