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KICJ Research Reports

Strategies for Institutional Reform to Fully Guarantee the Students’ Right to Education in Juvenile Detention Centers 사진
Strategies for Institutional Reform to Fully Guarantee the Students’ Right to Education in Juvenile Detention Centers


  This study focuses on the issue of ensuring the right to education for students in juvenile detention schools, as guaranteed by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Constitution of the Republic of Korea. The study proposes systematic reform measures to improve the inadequate education currently offered to juveniles under detention. To this end, the study conducted an analysis of the current policy environment through a literature review and in-depth interviews with staff of juvenile detention schools, including teachers, and officials from the Ministry of Justice’s Juvenile Protection Department.

  The findings identified strengths, such as the appointment of specialized career officers for curriculum education and opportunities for multi-agency cooperation systems. However, weaknesses and risks were also revealed, including a lack of teaching staff and budget constraints, as well as low learning motivation and satisfaction among students. Consequently, the study provides policy recommendations that include amendments to laws related to juvenile justice and education, enhancement of teaching staff and their professionalism, and improvements in the operation of basic education programs.

  These recommendations aim to establish a specific and practical framework for ensuring the right to education for students in juvenile detention schools by legislating the legal status of these schools and principles for educational provision, enhancing the quality of curriculum education through additional recruitment and training of specialized teachers, and organizing small-scale, individualized learning support classes to promote students’ basic education.

  • pdf 첨부파일 23-AB-09 소년원 학생의 학습권 보장을 위한 제도 개선 연구.pdf (722.6KB / Download:36) Download