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International Journal of Criminal Justice (IJCJ)


General Instructions

  • Manuscripts should be prepared in no more than 10,000 words in MS word using 12 font of “Times New Roman” and double line spacing.
  • Please provide a structured abstract which should be no more than 200 words in length.
  • A maximum of 5 key words representing the manuscript should be provided.
  • All papers should identify all authors and provide all authors’ contact information such as phone numbers, full postal addresses, email addresses, affiliations and so on.
  • The authors should ensure that they have written entirely original works, and should not publish manuscripts describing essentially the same research in more than one journal. Manuscripts with more than one author should display all names in order of their contribution.
  • The main body should be divided into the following sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion.
  • When foreign languages are needed, the first word of proper nouns, such as names of people and geographical locations, should begin with a capital letter. Abbreviation of names of groups and organizations must be written in all capital letters.
  • Please maintain terms, units, names of people, and technology consistently throughout the whole manuscript.
  • Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa).

Tables and Figures

  • Please submit tables as editable text and not as images.
  • The title and the body of tables and figures should be prepared using 9 font and 8 fonts of “Times New Roman” respectively.
  • Use horizontal lines only.
  • Tables and figures must be numbered with Arabic numerals. For example:
    a. <Table 1> Summary Statistics
    b. <Figure 3> Changes in the Debt Ratio
  • Title of the table is placed immediately above the table, and title of the figure is placed immediately below the figure.
  • Note(s) and Source(s) are placed below the table and the figure.

Citation and Reference Style

  • Please comply with the American Psychological Association (APA) or the Bluebook Style in formatting references. For example:
    1. American Psychological Association (APA) style
    • ① Author, A. A., Author, B.B., & Author, C.C. (year of publication). Title of work. Location: Publisher.
      • Bergmann, P. G. (1993). Relativity. In The new encyclopedia Britanica (Vol. 26, pp. 501-508). Chicago: Encyclopedia Britanica.
      • Lauter, P., Scarcelli, T. A., & Alexandrowicz, M. P. (eds.). (1994). The heath anthology of American literature (2nd ed. 2 vols.). Lexington: Heath.
    • ② Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year of publication). Title of chapter. In A. Editor & B. Editor (Eds.), Title of book (pages of chapter). Location: Publisher.
      • Fontana, A., & Frey, J. (1994). The art of science. In N. Denzin & Y. Lincoln (Eds.), Handbook of qualitative research. (pp. 361-376). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
    • ③ Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number (issue number), pp-pp.
      • Williams, J. (2008). The victims of crime. Sociology Review, 17(4), 30-32.
    • ④ Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of thesis (Type of thesis). Institution, Location.
      • Ward, I. (1998). Sedimentary history of the Pandora wreck and surrounds (Masters dissertation). James Cook University, Townsville, Australia.
    • ⑤ Author, A.A. (Date of publication). Title of website. Retrieved from http://www.someaddress.com/full/url/
    2. Bluebook
    • ① Volume No. (if any) NAME OF AUTHOR, TITLE OF THE BOOK pg. cited (Editors/Translators Name, edition cited year).
      • CHARLES DICKENS, BLEAK HOUSE 49-55 (Norman Page ed., Penguin Books 1971) (1853).
    • ② (For consecutively paginated journals) Name of Author, Title of Article, Journal volume no. ABBREVIATION OF JOURNAL Page on which Article Begins, Page Cited (Year).
      • Charles A. Reich, The New Property, 73 YALE L.J. 733, 737-38 (1964).
    • ③ (For non-consecutively paginated journals) Name of Author, Title of Article, ABBREVIATION OF JOURNAL, date of issue as appears in the cover, at first page of work, page cited
      • Barbara Ward, Progress for a Small Planet, HARV. BUS. REV., Sept.-Oct. 1979, at 89, 90.
    • ④ Author’ name, Name of Article/ news report, ABBRV. OF NAME OF NEWSPAPER, Month Date, Year, at pg. no.
      • Ari L. Goldman, O'Connor Warns Politicians Risk Excommunication over Abortion, N.Y. TIMES, June 15, 1990, at A1.
    • ⑤ Name of the Author, Name of Article, INSTITUTIONAL OWNER OF DOMAIN (Month date, year, time), URL.


Chapter 1 General Provisions

  • Article 1 (Purpose)

    This chapter is to provide regulations on the review process of papers submitted for IJCJ publication.

  • Article 2 (Aim of Publication)

    The IJCJ aims to provide theoretical background and policy research for the Korean government pertinent to crime prevention and criminal justice policies.

  • Article 3 (Period of Publication)

    The Journal shall be published twice each year on the last day of June and December.

  • Article 4 (Paper Submission and Peer Review)

    Submitted papers shall comply with provisions on Paper Submission included in Chapter 3 of this regulation, and their publication in the Journal is determined by the IJCJ Editorial Board pursuant to "Chapter 2: Review" of this regulation.

  • Article 5 (Distribution)

    The IJCJ shall be distributed in accordance with the Publication Distribution Standards of the Korean Institute of Criminology and Justice (KICJ).

Chapter 2 Review

  • Article 6 (Purpose of Review)

    This chapter is to provide regulations on the review process of papers submitted for IJCJ publication.

  • Article 7 (Progression of Review)

    1) Prior to the first peer review, a “suitability evaluation” shall be conducted in order to decide whether a submitted paper conforms to the IJCJ’s aims and scope. Suitability evaluation shall be carried out by an editorial member with expertise in the submitted paper’s field of interest.

    2) Appointment of a reviewer shall be based on discussions among the Board members with expertise in the relevant research field, and a review panel shall be composed of three or more reviewers within or outside KICJ.

    3) If a reviewer candidate responds negatively to the request for review, Editor-in-Chief shall select another candidate through discussions with Board members with expertise in the field of interest.

    4) The conduct of review shall be reflected in the performance evaluation for the reviewer within the Institute and rewarded by an honorarium for an external reviewer.

  • Article 8 (Considerations for Review)

    A reviewer evaluates submitted papers on the basis of following considerations:

    1) significance of research;

    2) excellence of research (i.e. originality, distinctiveness, logic, cogency, and so on);

    3) adequacy and excellence of research methodology;

    4) utility of research results and their implications;

    5) veracity of source quotations and references;

    6) general issues to improve (expression, typos, quotation, table of context, title, etc.);

    7) the IJCJ’s aims to contribute to the establishment of Korea’s crime prevention and criminal justice policies.

  • Article 9 (Procedure)

    1) Manuscript to review shall be made anonymous before it is forwarded to reviewers.

    2) The review procedure consists of two separate rounds: The first review is conducted in accordance with a IJCJ review form; and the second review examines the revised manuscript reflecting the comments from the first review.

    3) Reviewers shall rate submitted papers into four categories: “Accept: No revisions needed”; “Accept: Minor revisions needed”; “Major revisions needed: Second review after revision”; and “Reject.” They use a given IJCJ review form to prepare a referee report containing their comments on a manuscript’s research contents, its style, and recommendations for revision and submit the filled out form to the Board.

    4) If reviewers decide that a manuscript needs to be revised, the grounds for revision shall be specified on referee reports.

    5) Authors shall submit their revision reports in response to each referee comment with a revised manuscript.

  • Article 10 (Second Review)

    1) The Board shall forward referee reports from the first round of the review to the authors. And authors shall submit their revision reports in response to each referee comment with a revised manuscript to the Board within a set period of time.

    2) If an author does not submit a revised manuscript and revision reports within the given time without any specified explanation, it shall be considered a withdrawal of the paper submitted.

    3) If the receipt of the results of the second review are delayed for over 30 days after the review request to a reviewer, the Board may make the final decision on paper publication based on the reviewer’s first referee report as well as the author’s revision report and his/her revised manuscript. In this case, the final decision by the Board will be notified to the requested reviewer.

    4) The second review shall be held once, and if review results from the second round are not decisive enough to conclude discussions on the paper’s publication, the Board shall be requested to undertake a final review.

  • Article 11 (Change of Referees)

    If authors object to the review results, the Editor-in-Chief may request a fourth reviewer to examine the paper, provided that authors submit a written statement of their grounds for the objection which must be accepted as reasonable by the Editor-in-Chief.

  • Article 12 (Treatment of Review Results)

    1) A referee report with review results shall not include any of the reviewer’s personal information when being sent to the authors.

    2) If a reviewer rates a paper as “Minor revisions needed”, authors shall be requested to submit a revised manuscript with revision reports, which will be sent to the reviewer to be examined. After the examination, the reviewer is supposed to present her/his written agreement or disagreement on the revised paper’s publication and their grounds for agreement or disagreement using a given form.

    3) If a reviewer rates a paper as “Major revisions needed: Second review after revision”, authors shall be requested to submit a revised manuscript with revision reports, which will be sent to the reviewer for the second review. After the second review, the reviewer is supposed to present her/his written agreement or disagreement on the revised paper’s publication and their reasons for agreement/disagreement using the form given.

  • Article 13 (Completion of Review)

    1) The Board shall make a final decision on a paper for publication on the IJCJ on the basis of review results from reviewers and the editorial board member concerned.

    2) If it is not possible to publish a final paper on the latest IJCJ issue due to reasons related to the editing process, the paper may be published on the following issue.

  • Article 14 (Notification of Publication)

    When the Board reaches a decision to publish a paper on the upcoming issue of IJCJ, it shall be notified to the authors concerned within 7 days from the date of final decision.

  • Article 15 (Certificate of Expectant Publication)

    For papers cleared for publication on the IJCJ, a certificate of expectant publication could be issued at the request of the author.

Chapter 3 Paper Submission

  • Article 16 (Authorship and Required Documents, Scope of Journal)

    1) There are no restrictions regarding qualifications of contributors. And the scope of research shall cover a wide range of themes related to crime prevention and criminal justice policies for home and abroad, and manuscripts should be written in English.

    2) The submitted paper should be an original work which has not been published in other publications.

    3) Authors shall fill out and submit the forms for “Paper Submission” and “Copyright Assignment Agreement” along with the manuscript. In signing the form, it is assumed that authors have agreed to the submission and that the manuscript is not currently being considered for publication by any other journal.

  • Article 17 (Word Limit)

    Manuscripts should be written in English and should be no longer than 10,000 words based on MS-word processor.

  • Article 18 (Description of Authors)

    Manuscripts with more than one author should display the authors’ names in order of their contribution.

  • Article 19 (Manuscript Submission)

    Manuscripts can be submitted throughout the whole year. Manuscripts submitted by the last days of April and October shall be considered as candidate papers for issues published in June and December, respectively.

  • Article 20 (Honorarium)

    For the authors of manuscripts cleared for publication by the Board through the review procedure, an honorarium shall be given.

  • Article 21 (Submission Method)

    1) Manuscripts shall be submitted by email (ijcj@kicj.re.kr).

    2) Manuscripts should comply with the “Guidelines for Manuscript Preparation” designated by this Regulation.

    3) Authors’ contact information such as phone numbers, addresses, email addresses, and so on should be stated clearly, and submitted manuscripts are not returnable.

    4) Manuscripts are to be submitted to the IJCJ Editorial Board at KICJ.

  • Article 22 (Guidelines for Manuscript Preparation)

    Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the Guidelines for Manuscript Preparation provided by KICJ.

  • Article 23 (Supplementary Provision)

    For other matters not provided by this Regulation, the Board’s decisions on related matters shall apply.