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KICJ Research Reports

Review of the New Government Action Plans on the National Strategy for Cyber-Security 사진
Review of the New Government Action Plans on the National Strategy for Cyber-Security
  • LanguageKorean
  • Authors Hankyun Kim
  • Date December 31, 2022
  • Hit297


The research project on the New Government Action Plans on the National Strategy for Cyber-Security of 2022 aims to review the plan and to propose 10 main tasks for implementing the task No. 101: Strengthning the National Capacity on Cyber-Security.


The task is one of the 110 national tasks to be pursued by the Yoon Suk-yeol administration. The initiatives are designed to promote national interests, pragmatism, fairness and common sense.


The No. 101 task proposes new paradigm of cyber-security; Cybersecurity is the protection of internet-connected systems such as hardware, software and data from cyberthreats. Cyber-security has become the matter of safety for people and security for national economy beyond the traditional notion of national security.


5 core mandates of the task of strengthning the national cyber-cecurity capacities are: ① Reforming cyber-security system; ② Strengthening cybersecurity as a matter of economy-security; ③ Strengthening cyber-security for people’s safety; ④ Strengthening international cooperation in cyber-security and developing high technology for cyber-security; ⑤ Buiding up human resources specializing cyber-security.


10 main tasks for implementing the task of strengthning the national cyber-cecurity capacities are : ① Establishment of National Cyber-Security Council and control-tower of national cyber-security system and policy; ② Introduction of National Cyber-Security Act as the legal basis of cooperative system for promoting cyber-security; ③ Strengthening public-private cooperation on cyber-security and contributing to economy security; ④ Implemetation of Digital Platform Government secured against cyber-threats; ⑤ Securing of safe IT environment which impacts on peolple’s life; ⑥ Support of research and development on high-technology in the field of cyber-security; ⑦ Positive participation in the process of building international norms on cyber-security; ⑧ Promotion of international cooperative network against cyber-threats; ⑨ Promotion of education and training progrmas for cyber-security specilaists; ⑩ Preparing cyber-warfare including cyber-reserved army.


Above all, the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime is a framework that permits practitioners from Parties to share experience and create relationships that facilitate cooperation in specific cases, including in emergency situations. The UN General Assembly voted in December 2019 to begin negotiating a new UN treaty on cybercrime. The treaty is an important step towards helping countries realize national capacity building on cyber-security. Korean Government needs to consider sign the European Convention, and also to participate in the process of drafting new UN norms on cyber-security.

  • pdf 첨부파일 2022수시과제_국가사이버안보대응역량_편집본.pdf (1.72MB / Download:265) Download