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Evolution of the illicit drug market in Southeast Asia and its impact on the Republic of Korea need for reexamining current drug policies

  • 작성일2021.02.01
  • 조회수405

Evolution of the illicit drug market in Southeast Asia and its impact on the Republic of Korea need for reexamining current drug policies

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연구책임자, 소속기관,내부연구참여자,외부참여연구자,발행기관,공개여부,출판일,등록일,페이지,분류기호,언어,판매여부,판매가격,보고서유형,ISBN,표준분류,연구유형,자료유형
연구책임자 승재현 소속기관 한국형사·법무정책연구원
내부연구참여자 승재현 외 1인 외부참여연구자
발행기관 한국형사·법무정책연구원 공개여부 공개
출판일 2020년 12월 등록일 2021.02.01
페이지 0 분류기호 20-B-05
언어 영어 판매여부 판매
판매가격 7,000원 보고서유형
ISBN 표준분류
연구유형 자료유형
Table of contents

Abbreviations 1

Background and Rationale 3

Chapter 1

Introduction 9

Section 1 Sustained growth of supply and demand 11
Section 2 Ineffective drug policies 13
Section 3 Consequences of excessive imprisonment and overcrowded prisons 14
Section 4 The scope for drug policy reform in East and Southeast Asia 15

Chapter 2

Latest drug situation in Southeast Asia 19

Section 1 Overview of the situation 21
Section 2 The methamphetamine market in East and Southeast Asia 27
Section 3 Transnational organized crime (TOC) shifting their trafficking routes 32
Section 4 Precursor chemicals 37
Section 5 Assessing demand for drugs in Southeast Asia 40

Chapter 3

Impact on public health and criminal justice systems in Southeast Asia 43

Section 1 Importance of reexamining drug policy in Southeast Asia 45
Section 2 Overview of prison populations in ASEAN 46
Section 3 Threshold amounts and mandatory minimum sentencing in ASEAN 49
Section 4 Overburdened correctional and criminal justice systems 52
Section 5 Abuse of the criminal justice system, recidivism and stigmatized drug offenders 54
Section 6 Compulsory drug treatment in Southeast Asia 55

Chapter 4


1. Drug prisoners 61
2. Threshold amounts and mandatory sentencing 62
3. Drug policies 62
Section 2 INDONESIA 66
1. Drug prisoners 66
2. Threshold amounts and mandatory sentencing 67
3. Drug policies 67
Section 3 MALAYSIA 70
1. Drug prisoners 70
2. Threshold amounts and mandatory sentencing 71
3. Drug policies 72
Section 4 MYANMAR 77
1. Drug prisoners 77
2. Threshold amounts and mandatory sentencing 78
3. Drug policies 78
Section 5 THAILAND 80
1. Drug prisoners 80
2. Threshold amounts and mandatory sentencing 81
3. Drug policies 82

Chapter 5

Drug crime trends and laws in Korea 85

1. Growing volumes of crystalline and tablet methamphetamine trafficked from Southeast Asia 92
2. Drug policies 96
3. Drug offenders in prisons 98

Chapter 6

Ways forward 103

1. Prioritize control of precursors and chemicals used in the illicit manufacture of drugs in Southeast Asia 106
2. The Republic of Korea and ASEAN cooperation 107
3. Make better use of existing regional and global mechanisms designed to help Member States more effectively address and counter the drug problem 108
4. UNODC and the Mekong Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Drug Control 109
5. Promote alternatives to imprisonment for people with drug use disorders 111

References 113

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